Blue Style 2...

This colour style features Windows XP dark and light blue colours. The "xpstyle.css" style sheet contains a portion of the "defaultstyle.css" file that describes the colours for the "Blue Style 2". Including; nav tabs, navbar, mainmenu background (sub menu), menutitle background (sub menu) and footer bar.

The "xpstyle.css" style sheet (Blue Style 2) can be integrated as the main colour style or you can define it as "link rel="alternate stylesheet" in the head portion of your .html file. My thought was to include several different colour styles (Low Vision or High Contrast, XP Blue) and incorporate a style sheet switcher via javascript. The style switching feature would allow visitors to switch styles. To locate the style switcher script visit or contact me for the file and instructions.

How to switch your colour styles...

You can change the default colour (or create additional styles) of the nav tabs, navbar, mainmenu background (sub menu), menutitle background (sub menu) and footer bar. Just open the "xpstyle.css" file and save this file with a new name.css.

To change the tab colour visit and create your new tab corners. Save the top-right and top-left corners in your images folder with a new name.gif.

Then open your new name.css file and change the background-image and background (colour value) properties for "ul#nav li , ul#nav li a and ul#nav li a:hover" . The values should be the corner image saved (background-image) and colour value (background colour value) used to create the images. The navbar and footer will be the same colour value as the nav tabs.

Now change the colour values for the mainmenu background (sub menu) and menutitle background (sub menu).
