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Forum Rules

- Never, ever, under any circumstance, attack or "flame" anyone. Ever. No behavior is bad enough that warrants retaliation.

- Remain friendly and civil at all times. Be helpful when possible. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

- Use of the forums is a privilege, not a right. Forum officials reserve the right to create the community we want to be a part of.

- Swearing, and use of slurs about race or sexual-orientation are prohibited. Words that try to sneak around the swear filter are prohibited.

- Slanderous, defamatory, false, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing or obnoxious comments are not appropriate in the community.

- Any form of direct or indirect personal attack or harassment is prohibited.

- Any comment that calls for or encourages unlawful or illegal behavior or might result in harm to others is prohibited.

- Please stay on topic. Rambling or off-topic topics may be deleted without warning.

- Aggressive advertising is not allowed.

- If you wish to emphasize your point, use a bold font. Obnoxious use of oversized fonts and headings will not allowed.

- If a user breaks any of these rules, they will generally get a warning. Repeated offenses will result in temporary or permanent suspension of your account. The forum moderators will use their best judgment in these cases.

