I'm honest, not brutal. I let the folds
ripple over, and the last thing I fear is
"what if." You can't write worrying
about who will read it. I was put on
this earth to make a difference.

It all began with the blog. I started it as a
promise to myself to write daily. Since then,
January 2004, it has been published in
England, Belgium, & China. Currently, I'm
working on several books, novels &
memoir. In the meanwhile, you can find my
daily writing here... greek tragedy
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A Taste of New York.
Food. I'm an addict, and I'll eat anything save for organs. At taste of New York, I ate a pig. Pig parts. Need I say more
Gray, the new black.
People say life is complicated. Others say we make it complicated by introducing gray. I'm confused. more
Marathon Sunday .
Most people associate the day with running. I run from this day and associate it with cheating and tears. more
Blackout 2003 .
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Integer rutrum ante eu acus. Quisque nullasl. more
Dolon auctor wisi et amet.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpisnteger. rutrum ante eu acus.Quisque nulla. Vestibulum libero nisl, porta vel, scelerisque eget. Duis ac turpisntetrum vel, scelerisque eget. more