JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format
is the superior format for photographic or continuous-tone images,
because JPEG files can contain millions of colors.
Package Name: Tour Name
Pricing: $500
Recommended: 5 persons
While it's possible for a web site to be a single HTML page, a
web site usually comprises several pages that can include
images. |
Package Name: Tour Name
Pricing: $500
Recommended: 5 persons
While it's possible for a web site to be a single HTML page, a
web site usually comprises several pages that can include
images. |
A web site is a group of files that are interconnected by
hyperlinks that allow you to jump from one page to another, usually
by clicking your mouse. While it's possible for a web site to be a
single HTML page, a web site usually comprises several pages that
can include images, hyperlinks, and more advanced technology like
forms and databases. |