Fourth Design by B9
Welcome to Blue Too, my latest (and I think best) design for the community at Open Web Design. I have spent quite a bit of time on this one, notably in the creation and selection of graphics. I have also taken the time to heavily comment the code both in the xhtml page and the stylesheet. This should provide a good learning opportunity for those just starting out or wanting to see how certain things are done.
The name is in reference to the fact that this is my second template which is devoted to my favorite non-black color, and B9B2 is short and sweet.
This template is a work in progress, but I feel that it is worth releasing at this point since I don't have the time to add all of the features I plan for this, and I feel that it is a nice-looking and functional design at the moment.
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Blue Too is hand coded in xhtml 1.1 and CSS2 - it validates, but more importantly, the 'spirit' of web standards compliance dictated many design choices above and beyond simple compliance. It is far from semantically perfect, but this template is fairly robust and portable, and I intend to update this template in an effort to make it as robust and accessible as I can while also preserving simplicity and flexibility.
In, vero consequat eum nisl velit ut duis feugiat. Nisl odio facilisi vero, veniam consequat dolore. Exerci ut ut. Consequat exerci ipsum odio, luptatum qui blandit erat suscipit tincidunt. Tincidunt dignissim aliquam enim aliquip ipsum commodo odio. Minim lobortis autem ut, quis ad te ut nibh, consequat lobortis feugait commodo. Tincidunt dignissim aliquam enim aliquip ipsum commodo odio.
back to top »We really kicked some butt down there for a few centuries - unfortunately, Christianity destroyed so many of the great accomplishments of our civilization, and Europe was plunged into the darkness of ignorance, filth, superstition, disease, and stagnation for the next thousand years.
The design probably looks best at a resolution of 1024x768, but it works fine at 800x600 and I made a little effort to avoid total ugliness at higher resolutions. This is a fixed-width template, but it was designed to work well and look good at a variety of resolutions and font sizes.
Minim lobortis autem ut, quis ad te ut nibh, consequat lobortis feugait commodo. In duis velit, nostrud, vulputate wisi ea enim nostrud minim veniam illum minim vulputate delenit elit accumsan.
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In, vero consequat nisl velit ut duis feugiat. Molestie, ad dolore, tincidunt iusto nisl, feugiat adipiscing.
In, vero consequat nisl velit ut duis feugiat.
In duis velit, nostrud, vulputate wisi ea enim nostrud minim veniam illum minim vulputate delenit elit accumsan. Dolor sed, consequat, in eum suscipit autem nulla dolor luptatum exerci. Lorem, nulla dolore, Molestie, ad dolore, tincidunt iusto nisl.
back to top »Open Source Ideals
Open Source is more than just free- it is an entire philosophy
Open Source is more than just free- it is an entire philosophy which drives the benefits of technology to the common person- Open Source is about freedom and empowerment.
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- Your Choice
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