While you are not obligated to credit me in any way if you use this design, a link back to the CSS Tinderbox would be more than enough if you choose to do so.
If anything, sending me a link to your finished site so that I can check out what you've done with this design would be appreciated. Thanks!
This open source design template is built on the Fluid One-Column Layout from the CSS Tinderbox and should adapt well to browser and text re-sizing.
I think that in the back of my mind I was thinking of this design being more for a WordPress theme than a static web site. I might try and port it to a WP theme on my own but if someone beats me to it, then I certainly won't complain.
Note: The logo in the header is not "locked in" and can be swapped out for your own artwork.
The Spoiled Brat design was tested on a Windows machine in Firefox 1.5, Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 8.1 and should hold its own in a text browser. Opera 7.54 has a problem rendering the left margin in the right column.
It's using valid XHTML 1.0 (strict) and CSS with a WCAG-A rating.
This design is released under the creative commons license, so do what you want with it and have fun!
The following are examples of the general styles I worked into the design. Feel free to mix and match or add your own styles:
Augur et fulgente decorus arcu Phoebus acceptusque novem Camenis, qui salutari levat arte fessos corporis artus.
The images below are just an HR tag with a touch of bling: