Welcome To Your Website
So here you have another design. This one is XHTML strict and it works from 800x600 and up. Feel free to take this one apart and exchange the header, bg or whatever other parts. If you do use this design, it would be great if you let me know. As usual, you don't have to acknowledge my work if you don't want to.
I wanted to add that I got the menu from the neuphoric template, and the icons are from the free set by famfamfam (and the are freakin sweet). This could be a personal website, or could even just be a blog. Use it however you like.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut suscipit turpis vel augue. In ut risus. Aenean ultrices ultrices felis. Sed elementum tempus ante. Vestibulum mattis iaculis purus. Maecenas nec magna feugiat tellus placerat tempus. In porttitor enim eget eros. Pellentesque commodo, neque ut tincidunt tincidunt, lectus nulla rutrum tortor, nec condimentum sem pede eu ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut suscipit turpis vel augue. In ut risus. Aenean ultrices ultrices felis. Sed elementum tempus ante. Vestibulum mattis iaculis purus. Maecenas nec magna feugiat tellus placerat tempus. In porttitor enim eget eros. Pellentesque commodo, neque ut tincidunt tincidunt, lectus nulla rutrum tortor, nec condimentum sem pede eu ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor
Aenean ultrices ultrices felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut suscipit turpis vel augue. In ut risus. Sed elementum tempus ante. Vestibulum mattis iaculis purus. Maecenas nec magna feugiat tellus placerat tempus. In porttitor enim eget eros. Pellentesque commodo, neque ut tincidunt tincidunt, lectus nulla rutrum tortor, nec condimentum sem pede eu ipsum.