H1 Looks like this
H2 Looks like this
H3 Looks like this
OK some of you are going to look at this code and be like WTF did he do that for!! Not only did I do it just to prove it can be done, but.... This design your seeing now is very stripped down. Each heading has a javascript on it that collapses the item. Plus you can move each section in any order that you want!!! I broke the cookie while I was doing this though. So if you want to know where I got the drag script just email me.
You can see the full version at http://www.redipixel.com/rip002
Inside your Account:
- - In laoreet nisl at arcu.
- - Fusce ornare scelerisque dolor.
- - Sed tempor metus vel nisi.
- - Fusce ornare scelerisque dolor.
- - In laoreet nisl at arcu.
- - Sed tempor metus vel nisi.
- - Fusce ornare scelerisque dolor.
Sed tempor metus vel nisi.
One Moe Div:
Let's work on this section. Maybe insert a live data table in here, 5 Topics with first five results.