
Two-Tenths is a free template designed by me, Sadhana Gaapathiraju, aka SimplyGold.

Feel free to use it for personal or commercial use. Make any modifications you want. Just refrain from selling it.

You aren't required to attribute the design to me, but a mention and a link would be much appreciated. :-) If you like my designs and want me to design a website for you, don't hesitate to contact me.

Table 1: A Table Of Random People
First Name Middle Initial Last Name SSN Boredom Level
Monkey   Man xxx-xx-0000 2
Donkey D. Man xxx-xx-3832 10+
Cranky   Man xxx-xx-3821 1
Franky F. Manderake 382-238-2833 9
An Ordered List
  1. Considering the popularity
  2. Creating and documenting
  3. Schedule extra services
  4. Wasting paper the easy way
  5. How many more do I gotta write?
An Unordered List
  • We are
  • going to
  • keep this
  • nice and
  • short

Here's a blockquote for your viewing pleasure. Newly-inserted text. And some deleted text.
