Wow! is all I have to say right now. I feel that my many hours of work have finally paid off. I look forward to creating many more designs to come and writing actively in the OWD forums. There is not much more to say, I guess. So just please read the following copyright information and get to work making your site.
I, James Clark, hold the rights to this design in its entirety. However, you may use it in part or in whole free of charge and without limitations except you may claim it as your own. Though it is not mandatory, I will ask you to leave my email link somewhere on your site. This would be much appreciated. Thank you for using my design.
Forums to close on august 11th which is the same day as they were founded. All the forum owner had to say was "they aren't real."
Megadeth needs more filler text so that he will not have to make up stupid stuff to make the sight more attractive. Donations are welcome.
Megadeth needs more filler text so that he will not have to make up stupid stuff to make the sight more attractive. Donations are welcome.
Megadeth needs more filler text so that he will not have to make up stupid stuff to make the sight more attractive. Donations are welcome.