So Blue


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam at libero. Suspendisse non risus a diam convallis lobortis. Duis iaculis, nisi sed varius feugiat, dolor ipsum pharetra quam, ut malesuada nisl enim vel nunc. Quisque eget leo. Donec dignissim odio et purus. Nunc congue consequat libero.

About Me

My name is Elton. I am 20 years old and I live in Cochin, Kerala(India). I am doing ma bachelors degree in Information Technology. I am not a web designer, dont own any web designing company. I just thought of designing a web template by my self and this is how I ended up with.

You can send in your feedback to eltonlivera[at]gmail[dot]com.


This template is released as an open source web design, which means that you are free to use it in any way you want, and edit it in any way you want. If you want to change the footer name, there are no obligations. So go ahead and change the footer name if you really want to.

Another Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec ornare vulputate mi. Nullam auctor pede sit amet odio varius consectetuer. Fusce bibendum neque eu purus. Donec et nulla at odio volutpat luctus. Cras facilisis consequat nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat.
