Blue Tabs 2...
Blue Tabs 2 is a fluid (or liquid) layout template that will expand and contract to the screen or window size. Blue Tabs 2 includes; 4 images totaling 22.20 kb ( top tab right, top tab left and two sidemenu arrows ), an alternate high contrast ( or low vision ) style sheet for low vision people and a print.css style sheet for printing the main body of text ( this area ).
Blue Tabs 2 Features...
This template was designed with 100% valid CSS and XHTML 1.0 Strict and features;
- a tab navigation and sidebar navigation menu [ with id=current style definition ]
- a breadcrumb trail ( You are here: ) [ with id=current style definition ]
- a Skip to side navigation link for the high contrast page [ hidden on this page ]
- accessible pages that expand and contract to the screen or window size
- the ability to increase or decrease your browsers default font size
- the ability to set a browsers downloading images setting to off [ pages degrade nicely ]
Browser Support...
Blue Tabs 2 was tested on Windows XP Home SP2 and renders consistently in; Opera 8.45, Netscape 7.1, Firefox 1.0.7 and Internet Explorer 6.0 ( XP SP 2 ).