Submission number two
So this will be the second submission to Wrote the entire thing in my spare time at work with SciTE. It was written to be XHTML 1.0 Strict but with the addition of the shoutbox that got moved to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. So if you really want to use Strict, just remove the shoutbox. The CSS generates warnings but thats just because it doesn't like background-color: transparent;
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So I went to the theater last night...
So, me and a bunch of my friends went out to see The Omen last night. To be honest it really wasn't that great of a movie. The storyline was rather bland so to spice it up a little the director threw in some scary parts once every 20 minutes. There was really nothing in the movie that made me think. "Oh my God this is scary" so needless to say I should have just snuck across the hall with my girl and watched X-Men 3 which I heard beat all types of ass. Ciao!
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A week to go!
Just a week to go before everyone heads down to the lake for a relaxing week of absolutly nothing. Should be a good time for all and I hope to not have to think about anything the whole time. Just sit there dumbfounded all week staring at the water. Im so excited I can't stand it.
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castis: awesome design!
favakahn: i concur!
castis:: without the shoutbox, its XHTML 1.0 Strict!