A section where various designers from around the world are asked a series of questions.

Visit 'da hot seat' to read the responses of the 43 designers who have faced up to the questions so far.

Goodies for your computer. At the moment, there are 20 desktops for you to download and treat your computer to.

Most designed by myself, some designed by other designers.

10/07/2002 - 02:36PM

4/06/2002 - 10:52AM
Thanks to Sam Bordiss for his desktop... nice one... keep 'em comin'

25/04/2002 - 01:09AM
Lest We Forget...

5/04/2002 - 02:33PM
wooohooooo..... and i'll never run out of pieces!! amazing!

4/04/2002 - 01:41PM
Fluid redesigns... and looking slick... go see!

2/04/2002 - 10:57PM
ok.. ok.. everyone go check out The Traffic... itz back up and kicking...

25/03/2002 - 04:24PM
Rod updates Aeriform... looking sweeeeet-tah!

4/02/2002 - 05:10PM
Adam from yenbrand tells me their new site is up.... and lookin' fine!

11/01/2002 - 09:17AM
Thanks go out to Julia for submitting a eyunzhu.Com desktop.. go see.. and be sure to check out her own site.. nice stuff!

28/12/2001 - 12:04AM
holiday time.... woohoo! stay tuned for new stuff in the new year..

3/12/2001 - 10:57AM
the ever impressive phojekt is still running strong... go see the latest stuff.. nice!

30/11/2001 - 04:51PM
ohmygod! there are too many men who look like Kenny Rogers!!

23/11/2001 - 11:27AM
funfunfun... chicken wings are not for flying...

16/11/2001 - 11:37AM
friend and former work mate Tim worked on this recently released site: - fun community based stuff.. go play..

29/10/2001 - 01:57PM
wow.. go draw with someone:

11/10/2001 - 11:34AM
... unreal!

9/10/2001 - 08:20AM
additions to my folio and the photography section are in ... go take a look!

8/10/2001 - 11:07PM
well, the Big Day Out 2002 web site went live today ... put on yer bowling shoes!

5/10/2001 - 06:37PM
Thanks for the emails Sally ... Eas'Side

2/10/2001 - 09:51AM
Well, back from Fresh, had fun ... and am now getting sick!!